Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Asian union Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Asian union - Essay Example The Travel and Tour unit focuses on providing holiday, ticketing and travel services for clients in the UK and it has connections with airlines, hotels and other hospitality institutions in Asia and North America to provides clients good traveling and holiday services. There are numerous airlines around the world that partner with Asian Union to provide good carrier services to clients who need them. The Freight Service is provided by Western Freight Services which is a subsidiary of Asian Union Ltd. The Freight Service includes air and sea transport of goods and services for a wide customer base. It arranges for both regular and irregular products to be shipped and flown to different destinations around the world. The freight service also includes custom clearance and distribution of goods to their final destinations around the world. Asian Union also runs a money transfer agency that partners with Western Union to provide the best money transfer services for clients. This service t argets people sending money to Asian countries that have exotic currencies that are often not available in the UK. Targeted countries for their service include: Afghanistan, Pakistan, China and India. The company seeks to grow a distinct money transfer service that will incorporate all the customized needs of various destinations in the Asian region of the world. Asian Union is located on West Hendon Broadway. It is a suburban section of Northwest London that is a popular spot for many travel and tours as well as financial institutions. This section is known for the collectivity of the travel industry as well as international linkage businesses like freight services and money transfers. Find below an extract of the map of the Hendon area of London for further analysis: Point A: 174 West Hendon Broadway London NW9 7AA, UK. West Hendon Broadway is an elite street on London that is close to various affluent neighbourhoods of North London. There are at least 15 travel and related-servic e providers that are located within a 1-mile radius around the location of Asian Union Ltd. The location adds up to the competitive strengths of Asian Union Ltd since it is also highly accessible from various parts of London, and there is a thriving Asian community living just a few miles away from its location. Situational Analysis Asian Union Ltd is affected by numerous elements of the business environment. Each of these components of the external environment has some influence on the operations and activities of Asian Union and it affects the profitability, survival and growth of the business by posing some kind of threat or acting as some form of opportunity for improvement. These environmental factors can be analysed using the PEST model. Political Anti-Money Laundering UK's new Anti-Money Laundering Laws (AML) which seeks to prevent criminals from transferring funds from illegal activities has a major influence on the money transfer service that Asian Union transfers. Also, An ti-Terrorism laws makes it impossible for Asian Union to deal with certain blacklisted persons. Under this law, Asian Union cannot transfer over ?10,000 from a given customer without asking for the customer to disclose the source of funds and tax returns on the amount. Opportunities: This

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